MIM self-assessment test for gender equality

Guidance on how to use the MIM self-assessment test on gender equality in the music sector


According to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of Diversity in Cultural Industries in 2005, UNESCO called for «measures to support women as artists in the creation, production and distribution of cultural goods and services. The 2005 Convention provides a framework for addressing gender challenges in the cultural and creative industries by means of integrated policies and measures based on sex-disaggregated data» (UNESCO, 2019).


The processes of measuring and diagnosing the situation in terms of gender equality in music organisations are pivotal to move towards a more feminist and gender-equal cultural ecosystem.


This self-assessment tool will be available on the MIM website and will allow the music organisations to know their performance in terms of gender in compliance with the Spanish Organic Law 3/2007 for effective equality between women and men along with the United Nations 2030 Agenda.


Instructions on how to undertake the self-assessment test


(i) It corresponds to the gender desk officer of the organisation to complete the test. If this person does not exist within the organisation, it shall be filled in by a member of the team with enough knowledge about the organisation to be able to provide answers related to cross-cutting questions about the organisation.

(ii) Access to the self-assessment will be enabled only after answering a series of compulsory generic questions.

(iii) Thus, users will be able to access the self-assessment, which consists of different questions on the organisation gender issues.

(iv) The self-assessment test is expected to be filled out in about 10 minutes.

(v) After finishing the questionnaire, the results of the self-assessment will appear on the website together with a series of recommendations tailored to the answers given by the organisation.

(vi) An annual diagnosis is recommended to identify how the organisation has improved in terms of gender.

(vii) There is a dedicated e-mail address available for any doubts or suggestions regarding the self-assessment: autoevaluacion@asociacionmim.com

(viii) Terms and conditions of data use must be accepted to allow the test to generate the assessment.

(ix) In the case of wanting to save the self-assessment, it is possible to fill in the form in PDF format, thus allowing you to record the questionnaire along with the recommendations.

Name of reporting person
*Position in the organisation
*Name of the organisation
*Year of diagnosis