Guidance on how to use the MIM self-assessment test on gender equality in the music sector
According to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of Diversity in Cultural Industries in 2005, UNESCO called for «measures to support women as artists in the creation, production and distribution of cultural goods and services. The 2005 Convention provides a framework for addressing gender challenges in the cultural and creative industries by means of integrated policies and measures based on sex-disaggregated data» (UNESCO, 2019).
The processes of measuring and diagnosing the situation in terms of gender equality in music organisations are pivotal to move towards a more feminist and gender-equal cultural ecosystem.
This self-assessment tool will be available on the MIM website and will allow the music organisations to know their performance in terms of gender in compliance with the Spanish Organic Law 3/2007 for effective equality between women and men along with the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
Instructions on how to undertake the self-assessment test
(i) It corresponds to the gender desk officer of the organisation to complete the test. If this person does not exist within the organisation, it shall be filled in by a member of the team with enough knowledge about the organisation to be able to provide answers related to cross-cutting questions about the organisation.
(ii) Access to the self-assessment will be enabled only after answering a series of compulsory generic questions.
(iii) Thus, users will be able to access the self-assessment, which consists of different questions on the organisation gender issues.
(iv) The self-assessment test is expected to be filled out in about 10 minutes.
(v) After finishing the questionnaire, the results of the self-assessment will appear on the website together with a series of recommendations tailored to the answers given by the organisation.
(vi) An annual diagnosis is recommended to identify how the organisation has improved in terms of gender.
(vii) There is a dedicated e-mail address available for any doubts or suggestions regarding the self-assessment:
(viii) Terms and conditions of data use must be accepted to allow the test to generate the assessment.
(ix) In the case of wanting to save the self-assessment, it is possible to fill in the form in PDF format, thus allowing you to record the questionnaire along with the recommendations.
Name of reporting person
*Position in the organisation
*Name of the organisation
*Year of diagnosis
[A. Information about the organisation]
1. Typology of the music organisation
[A. Information about the organisation]
2. Ownership of the music institution or venue
[A. Information about the organisation]
3. Number of employees
[A. Information about the organisation]
5. Amount of time in operation of the organisation
[A. Information about the organisation]
6. Has the organisation implemented any gender plan or strategy?
6.A. Is the gender impact of the organisation’s activities or the implementation of the gender plan/strategy measured?
6.B. Are targets set according to the results of measuring the impact of the organisation’s activities on equality?
[A. Information about the organisation]
7. Is there a person or body responsible for gender within the organisation?
[A. Information about the organisation]
8. Is there any place or space within the organisation in case there is a gender-related issue or complaint from the staff (i.e., an e-mail address)?
[A. Information about the organisation]
9. Is training provided to the staff on gender issues?
[A. Information about the organisation]
10. Does your organisation partner with public or private feminist or equality-related entities or organisations?
[A. Information about the organisation]
11. Do the internal communications within the organisation make use of a gender-neutral language?
[A. Information about the organisation]
12. Is the organisation familiar with the concept of 'soft skills'?
[A. Information about the organisation]
13. Has the organisation set any equality requirements for its providers?
[B. Information on employment policies]
1. Does the organisation have implemented a gender sensitive recruitment policy?
[B. Information on employment policies]
2. Does the organisation have integrated LGTBIQ+ perspective when recruiting?
[B. Information on employment policies]
3. Does the organisation recruit from an inclusive and non-racial perspective?
[B. Information on employment policies]
4. What is the percentage of women in the staff?
[B. Information on employment policies]
5. Is there female representation within the managerial staff?
[B. Information on employment policies]
6. What is the percentage of women within the managerial staff?
[B. Information on employment policies]
7. Does your organisation implement schemes to foster female leadership in teams?
[B. Information on employment policies]
8. Have there been more men than women promoted in the last year?
[B. Information on employment policies]
9. Among employees with the same responsibilities, is there pay discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, or race?
[B. Information on employment policies]
10. Do you consider the possibility of implementing a blind CV policy during recruitment processes?
[C. Information on employment and work-life balance policies]
1. Does the entity have a policy on caregiving and work-life balance scheme?
[C. Information on employment and work-life balance policies]
2. Do women stop working after maternity leave in your organisation?
[C. Information on employment and work-life balance policies]
3. Do men stop working after paternity leave in your organisation?
D. Does the organisation hold any programming or booking of artists?
[D. Information on artistic programming and booking]
1. Does your organisation programme/contract from a gender perspective?
[D. Information on artistic programming and booking]
2. Does your organisation contract artists from an inclusive LGTBIQ+ perspective?
[D. Information on artistic programming and booking]
3. Does your organisation contract from an inclusive perspective regarding ethnic/origins and/or racial diversity?
[D. Information on artistic programming and booking]
4. Does your organisation consider, when programming, the incorporation of new female and/or other diverse referents?
[D. Information on artistic programming and booking]
5. Does your organisation consider, when programming, artists from different ages and generations?
[D. Information on artistic programming and booking]
6. Is the gender perspective in programming or contracting measured?
6.A. Do you use the results to improve the next edition or programme?
[D. Information on artistic programming and booking]
7. What is the percentage of female-led groups in your line-up or music programme?
E. Does the organisation hold events with an audience?
[E. Information on audiences]
1. Is the audience quantified in men, women, and others?
[E. Information on audiences]
2. Does your organisation set up an area for practical welfare support which offers a space for anyone who feels unsafe due to sexual harassment or assault?
[E. Information on audiences]
3. Do you have a specific policy for action in case of sexual harassment or assault or are you adhered to any protocol on this matter?
[E. Information on audiences]
4. Does your organisation promote campaigns to raise awareness and prevent sexual harassment or assault?
[E. Information on audiences]
5. Does your organization offer any kind of programme, workshop, or special event to raise awareness on gender equality or sexual diversity?
[E. Information on audiences]
6. Does your organisation set up a safe space or any other specific area available to help in case of LGBTIQ-phobic harassment?